Monday, May 17, 2010

Flat Stanley Visits Historical Civil War Surrender SIte in Durham, NC

Flat Stanley picked a rainy, gloomy day to visit the Bennett Place Historical Site - where the South surrendered to the righteous Northern forces. Enjoy the pictures, courtesy Flat Stanley.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Girl who kicked the hornets nest

Okay I have to make this brief or Fee will be late to school! I think Steph and Yo dropped hint in their email the other day when they said they went to see a film basedo n books by Stieg Larsson. Stieg Larsson wrote Girl with the Dragon tattoo and also wrote a new book called "The girl who kicked the hornet's nest". The main character is named LIsbeth. So this either points to LIZ herself, which ismaybe whyMeem thinks LIz wont rad this blog because MEEM is staying at Liz's right now OR Steph and Yogesh are once again leaving hints that it is THEM.....
more on this later I have no time to think right now gotta goooooo.....