Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Clues, New Confusion

Ok, Luci received clues. Simon LeBon, Hungry Like the Wolf.

O+U - B+E

I can link almost every clue to Dava. I can also link every one of Dava's children to release dates for these Movies and songs. (with a few left over)

But I'm still missing the smoking gun. Lack of clue scanning and sharing is hurting the cause.
Of course at the same time, Gemma's clue was addressed to Gemma Finn (missing Russell). Hungry like the Wolf video was directed by Russell Mulcahy (as any good fan would know). He also directed the movie Highlander as any fan of the movie Highlander would know. Which now incriminates Meem, since she is the Highlander - living on 80 Highland Avenue.
Hmmm - maybe this is eliminating suspects.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daev's Clues

OK, I had to convert Daev's PDF files to JPG files.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paul c/o Ronald W. Finn

front of envelope_______________back of envelope

Ice Cube___________________back of picture

small pinecone w/scale

Ok, here are scans of the front and back of the envelope and the front and back of the picture as well as a picture of the pine cone.

The fact that mine had a pine cone, steph's had a rock, and Gemma's had a leaf leads me to believe Meem's had something in it and she didnt notice.

Also, here are my compiled clues:

All envelopes have a lightning bolt (harry potter?)
All envelopes have a ring stamp or two (lord of the rings)

Chris Tucker as Ruby Rhod in the movie the 5th element
Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison in the movie the Doors
Jack Kerouac? Matt Dillon? movie unknown
Ice cube as ???? movie unknown

What the back of the pictures say (as far as I can tell)

sf XYB274 (gemma)
oc 647X (meem)
pp 69 (stef)
LA MNOTI45 (paul via ron)
LA MNOT145 - I suppose the I could be a "one"

What was in the envelopes besides a picture:

Willow leaf (gemma)
Door picture or did meem lose something? (meem)
Small brown stone (steph)
Small pine cone (paul via ron)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kure Beach Aquarium pics

Note where Hurricane Hazel water level was -->

The water level (above ground) for Hurricanes to hit this area ->

Front of the Aquarium with a Palm tree -->

Front of the Aquarium with a good pic of the fish -->

STEPH's Puzzle Clues

Here they are the pics first. There was a thunderbolt on the left handside of the envelope. The number on the back of the envelope was pp69 - I think this refers to pages in a book - typically when one writes bibliography references this is the notation used.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Flat Stanley Visits Historical Civil War Surrender SIte in Durham, NC

Flat Stanley picked a rainy, gloomy day to visit the Bennett Place Historical Site - where the South surrendered to the righteous Northern forces. Enjoy the pictures, courtesy Flat Stanley.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Girl who kicked the hornets nest

Okay I have to make this brief or Fee will be late to school! I think Steph and Yo dropped hint in their email the other day when they said they went to see a film basedo n books by Stieg Larsson. Stieg Larsson wrote Girl with the Dragon tattoo and also wrote a new book called "The girl who kicked the hornet's nest". The main character is named LIsbeth. So this either points to LIZ herself, which ismaybe whyMeem thinks LIz wont rad this blog because MEEM is staying at Liz's right now OR Steph and Yogesh are once again leaving hints that it is THEM.....
more on this later I have no time to think right now gotta goooooo.....