Sunday, September 26, 2010

STEPH's Puzzle Clues

Here they are the pics first. There was a thunderbolt on the left handside of the envelope. The number on the back of the envelope was pp69 - I think this refers to pages in a book - typically when one writes bibliography references this is the notation used.


  1. First of all Meem is commenting on the wrong thread.

    It is not Joaquin Phoenix, nor is it James Dean as you also said. If I had to take a guess, I would say it is Jack Kerouac. Meem's picture was a door, not sure if the nob/key hole was to be significant or just so we knew it was a door. Jim Morrison of the Doors is the photo. So if I had a copy of Kerouac's on the road. I would check page 69.

  2. so we have a Willow Leaf - a picture of Chris Tucker from the movie the Fifth element and a lightning bolt.

    We have a door, a picture of Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison in the movie "The doors".

    We have a rock and a picture of somebody, Jack Kerouac?

    All have a lilghtning bolt.

  3. i forgot:

    oc 647x

    if I remember correctly

  4. well i might have a copy but i'm not sure but i think dava or paul might...but then again they might be the culprits...i'll check to see if i have th book somewhere....

    the phot looks like another guy but i can't remember his name right now....he is from about the time of the breakfast club people...i cant remember his name right now... the only reason i can give for not thin it is kerorac is the tatoos but then again it might signify that the game is on the road again....Meem

  5. Meem, looking at the picture, everything about it screams 50s. The hair, the clothes, the oven/stove, the stuff on the shelf. However, the first photo was from a movie, the 5th element. The second photo is from a movie, the Doors. So if it follows a pattern, then this too should be from a movie, so maybe it is Matt Dillon, although I still think it looks to scrawny. The tattoos could be fake. So what movies has Matt Dillon been in that took place in the 50s, besides the outsiders?

  6. I searched all the matt dillion movies and joaquin phoenix movies and found no such photo...even tho they have like 2oo photos onlie in the imd thing...Tho they are both dead ringers for that photo...The sleeked back hair is from the 50's like you say....Keroac was a beatnik...they had long hair...I saw no movies of keroac in it...I have to check and see if there was a movie of his life and get back ...i'm at a dead end...Mrrm

  7. well thee is a movie Kerouack the movie but it didn't help me....meem

  8. Can you determine the type of stone? looks like pumice

  9. the stone maybe trying to lead us to the rollling stones...what year did that come out...meem

  10. Stef, you letter went thru the post office check the bottom of the envelope and you will see the postoffice scanner printed on the bottom...that could only be made by the post office...they probably felt the stone and didn't send it thru the machine to be canceled...the same way with Rons...His has a hand cancelation on the stamps...<ee,

  11. Just checking to see if i am able to comment...meem
