Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paul c/o Ronald W. Finn

front of envelope_______________back of envelope

Ice Cube___________________back of picture

small pinecone w/scale

Ok, here are scans of the front and back of the envelope and the front and back of the picture as well as a picture of the pine cone.

The fact that mine had a pine cone, steph's had a rock, and Gemma's had a leaf leads me to believe Meem's had something in it and she didnt notice.

Also, here are my compiled clues:

All envelopes have a lightning bolt (harry potter?)
All envelopes have a ring stamp or two (lord of the rings)

Chris Tucker as Ruby Rhod in the movie the 5th element
Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison in the movie the Doors
Jack Kerouac? Matt Dillon? movie unknown
Ice cube as ???? movie unknown

What the back of the pictures say (as far as I can tell)

sf XYB274 (gemma)
oc 647X (meem)
pp 69 (stef)
LA MNOTI45 (paul via ron)
LA MNOT145 - I suppose the I could be a "one"

What was in the envelopes besides a picture:

Willow leaf (gemma)
Door picture or did meem lose something? (meem)
Small brown stone (steph)
Small pine cone (paul via ron)


  1. I think ron missed something...i think the c/o ron is a clue too...if what i'm thinking is right...but it is a real wild guess...meem

  2. I just blew up the ice cube photo....and on his hat are the initials LA so i think i'm on to something with his song out of LA....meem

  3. As i said in my email the letter is hand stamped...because of the pine cone how would the post office know about that leads me back to paul...

  4. You had to blow up the picture to tell that it said LA??? It was obvious from the instant I saw it, that it is an LA Dodgers hat. Ice Cube started his career as a rapper in LA. Big album "Straight outta Compton"

    sf XYB274 - san fernando (as in the "valley") also in LA area
    oc 647X (meem)- orange county
    pp 69 (stef) - pacific pallisades (also in the LA area)
    LA MNOTI45 (paul via ron) - Los Angeles
    LA MNOT145

  5. so they are all california zip cods tho i looked up the calif zip codes in the beginning and i didn't find any like those...they were all preceded by a 900....but maybe the the 900 was dropped on purpose....But what does that mean...the clues lead to california?

    as for the hat I didn't have that great a copy byt at least i fiugure it was LA.... so we have established we're maybe off base with willow and its calif...So maybe we are looking for Hollywood...but the other clues don't add up...Meem

  6. I just noticed something about Ron's envelope....It is addressed to Ronald W.Finn and who would know that besides me and Ron? Also who ever is doing this knows ron is a W. but can't spell stephanie....I don't think so....And since Ron is the only one who seems to be able to make out the clues beside me i'm thinking Ron now with a little help from Paul....But i could be wrong because dava and gemma are playing really dumb...and that seems too easy....No matteer who it is the clues keep leading us down dead ends...So that makes me think Justin...Who stays quietly out of the picture...He was going with willow but when we caught on to fast changed the we haven't been able to put it either he is getting help from dava now or can't make his mind up where these clues are going and is just throwing in anything that comes to mind...there is no clear direction in the clues....I'm thinking this is deliberate....Check the clues...What do they have in common? Also we can't even figure out who stef's clue is which complicates things even more....So as the kids game goes your getting colder and colder...We are so far from the truth....Meem

  7. Oh yeah i almost forgot the pine cone....what the heck has that to do with anything? no pine trees in LA as far as I know...Just another clue to confuse and not to help out....Meem

  8. This morning i was checking dates on the envelopes hoping to find a clue as to how far apart these clues are mailedllllWhen I checked the Paul/Ron stamp i noticed the hand stamped Santa Ana cancelation was under the stamps an impossible thing to do unless they took it to a post office had it weighed and the stamps added after the stamp...The first letter was the 14 and the next 22 so it means who ever was sending them was in california for at least two weeks...Since the onltyy one i know who has a california connection is dava and her friend who mailed stuff for her before it is now pointing to dava....That friend was really into clownie and can be doing this on her own...Just thinking....Meem
